Rain, reading the Holy Quran, learning science, doing useful things to religion, halal and beautiful rızka, Date palm food trowel, to harvest a palm with a woman with good virtues in the season, to be obtained effortlessly to the world, to taste faith and the world, Raw seeing the palm in need of water to find water; if this palm is red, blood is yellow, and saffron is the winner, to go on a pilgrimage to see that he has eaten or served palm during the Hajj season, to learn science from a hypocritical fall of a palm palm on a dry palm tree to get rid of trouble and grief on palm shaking, to be the child to remove the kernel of Hurma, the family members come together Hurmasalkını or fertile earnings, palm salesman who knows the circumcision and the person who lived it, accumulated trowel, drunken don't buy palm wine and palm oil.
Persimmon is the sign of abundance and fertility to see or eat.
In the dream you get palm and eat, halal gain, dry palm means that you will cure diseases and spend fun time.
Seeing or eating dates in a dream is a sign of abundance and fertility.
Great fortune, abundance, money, wealth. It also means that one's fortune will be opened.
The palm seen in the dream is rain for the sighter. It is a risk to see that she is eating a palm, just for herself and without a share of another person. Sometimes eating dates is something that will benefit the Quran and religion. Buried dates are accumulated goods. The scattered and scattered palm is non-continuous money. If he sees that he has been brought a palm in the dream, he will indicate that he will be possessed by the authority and the rank holder. From a dry palm tree, the one who sees the palm fall on it learns knowledge from a hypocritical person. No one who puts a palm on him will feel boredom and grieved. If anyone sees that they take a date and take out the kernel, no one will have a child. If anybody sees you pick a black grape out of a palm tree, he'il have a child. Date, halal and beautiful risk is also referred to. If anyone sees a beautiful date, he will hear a good word and sign a great interest. The person who sees the burial of the palm shall have the property of the treasure or the orphan's property. Or he collects goods and he hides the finances. When a person sucks a date and gives it to another and sees that the field is also absorbed, he is a partner in a known thing to the other person. In the dream he sees the palm, finds the sweetness of faith. No one who has a kernel to burn the dates has a child.
Seeing or eating dates is the symbol of abundance and abundance.
Seeing or eating dates is the symbol of abundance and abundance.