Women, joy and bliss, gold and silver trowel; Daffodil flower to see the crown of a short-time marriage or the death of his wife at the beginning of this crown, daffodil flower in the garden or pot long-lasting child, this flower signifies the death of the child signifies.
It refers to a partnership with a good and beautiful person.
It refers to a partnership with a good and beautiful person.
He is understanding, well-intentioned, generous, brave. It is interpreted as joy.
According to the danyal aleyhisselam; To see daffodils in a dream is to meet and marry an elegant and beautiful young woman. cabirülmagribi A; To see daffodils in a dream is a sign of a faithful friend. In his dream he receives a good news and a good news. The daffodil on the ground has many children. According to Ibn Kathir; Seeing the daffodils in a glass thanks to his beauty Almighty Hakka thanks and earns good deed. According to another rumor: Daffodils seen in the dream is a sign to the woman. Because of this, there are a few daffodils at the beginning of the dream, a marriage that will not continue, to see the daffodils in the gardens, a long-lived child, to see him cut off, the child's death sign. Some tabirciler, daffodils in the dream, the joy melts, they said. Narcissus is also a gold and silver goods. The daffodils are gold money and white silver money. If a woman sees that she has a crown from a narcissus in a dream, that woman is in a marriage that will not continue. If that woman is married, her husband would divorce her or her husband would die.