To obey the work and deeds that require punishment, to obey the devil and the devil, to condemn himself for a complex job, to get rid of this sedition, to do a good job that will win the world and the Hereafter, to see the condemnation of the Muslim brother in a matter, to be condemned to be condemned to reproach. would.
When he awakens to someone in his dream, he is awake, he works, and he deserves to be censured. If he sees that he despises his own ego because of a desire to escape, he enters into a mixed one to be held by the people. Then Allah bestows on him the ease and frees it from confusion. According to some; In the dream, kinamak is interpreted with sadness. Seeing himself in the dream of self-condemnation, sorrow by doing a bad job; to see someone else condemn, another person again because of a desire to show sadness. According to another rumor: Condemnation in a dream is a sign of being subject to the devil and returning from his promise in many works that cause him to enter fire. The one who sees himself in a dream falls into a strife and a cancerous thing. And because of that he is condemned. Then Allah (CC) will save that person from that sedition and victorious in his enemy, and by getting rid of people's condemnation, the world and the Hereafter will reach something good. In the dream of anyone else who sees kinadığını, doing the same job that no one is doing condemnation.