Wood charcoal to a dear person, mine coal sustenance and trowel, All things ignited with him to burn fire, burned ash has passed the verdict, the missed opportunity, Coal trowel seen in winter, Coal sometimes signifies difficulty and distress.
It is interpreted that the person who has coal and stove in his dream will earn money and goods.
It is interpreted that the person who has coal and stove in his dream will earn money and goods.
In the dream, tree interpreters interpret three ways: a respectable person, a government official, money from the haram. In the dream to see the charcoal burning charcoal, a forbidden goods come out of hand; to see the coal burned by scattering sparks, to be punished by a government official; While the coal was in the barbecue, it suddenly became extinct and returned to its former state. It is a sign that the interests he expects from a statesman will not come or be delayed. According to another rumor: The wood charcoal seen in the dream is a reverent person. Some tabirciler, forbidden goods, some of the future is a risk, they said. If one sees that there is a fire in the coal in a dream, it is a sign to a man who has been financially taken. Coal that has burned and cannot be exploited is a sign that is essentially sinking. The need for small coal to see the big coal of anyone, sadness, grief, difficulty, and signifies that the situation is difficult. The need for coal to see the small coal of anyone who needs a big, is a sign of deterioration of the goods. Coal seen on winter day is called with goods.
Seeing coal in the dream; is a sign that you will earn a lot of money