The trowel obtained with difficulty indicates the difficulty and arduousness.
Seeing chickpeas in a dream is a sign that you will get good business news these days.
Seeing chickpeas in a dream is interpreted to receive good news nearby. In the dream, chickpea is hardly earned money. Seeing that you buy chickpeas from a place in a dream remains difficult, making a promise about money. Seeing you eating chickpeas means making money.
It is money to be earned with difficulty. Fortunately, no good will come.
Dried chickpeas in a dream signify sorrow and head fatigue. If it eats something other than chickpea, it is good. According to Abu Said al-Vaiz; to see roasted chickpeas in a dream (like chickpeas) is a sign to kiss someone in an inappropriate place and time. They tell the story: A person came to Ibn-i Sirin: I saw that I ate roasted chickpeas in a dream, the tabirci "Did you kiss your wife in Ramadan even though you are fasting?" he asked. Adam: "yes" replied, Ibn-i Sirin: "Here, this is the expression of the dream." said. According to a rumor; grief, sickness, while chickpeas in the dream see fresh; if dry, it is interpreted with halal goods and rizk. NOTE: Seeing a musical note is a sign that you should be careful because you may be in love these days when you need to be awake while doing your job. According to another rumor: The chickpea seen in the dream is a sign of tyranny and forced trowel. Whoever ate hot chickpeas in the dream of kissing my wife on the day of Ramadan is proof that it broke the fast.
Chickpea in the dream is hardly earned money. Nevertheless, chickpea is a fortune that will not come very well. In his dream, he remains in a difficult situation by making a promise about the money he sees that he has bought chickpeas. He gets money to see that he eats chickpeas.
Chickpea in the dream is hardly earned money. Nevertheless, chickpea is a fortune that will not come very well. In his dream, he remains in a difficult situation by making a promise about the money he sees that he has bought chickpeas. He gets money to see that he eats chickpeas.