See also; Brother.
Seeing the brother in the dream, goods and partnerships in the world indicates. Those who have a brother also indicate that they will do something for their brother's positive or negative situation. If someone sees his brother in a dream, he will get good news from relatives or friends. He will meet his relatives and friends, whom he has not seen for a long time, and have a good time. If the person who has a brother in his dream is a male, the money situation of the person will improve and a financial gain will be obtained. If the woman who dreams of a brother in a dream, is very difficult, unhappy, in a troubled moment will see the help of a person who never expected.
Seeing your own brother in a dream means getting good news. Seeing a brother in a dream is good and pleasing news. Having a brother in a dream indicates the sacrifice, cooperation and trust of family members in the family. The person who sees his brother in the dream receives good news and rejoices. However, everything in the dream of a brother should be interpreted together. Sometimes sister dreams can mean something else. If your brother is unhappy in your dream, it indicates that you have not fulfilled your responsibilities towards him, you have shaken his confidence. If the brother is happy in the dream, he will help you and will increase your confidence in him.