One's property and spouse. Getting out of the intestine to get sick, Eating your own intestine to eat your own goods, Gathering the guts out and washing your belly to put it in a good place to honor it, Intestinal disease to overcome the difficulty of the offspring, to get rid of this disease to gain wealth or interest and much intestinal treasure or unexpected trowel, the smell of the intestine signifies the suspicious gain.
Unexpected, unexpected unpleasantness. In his dream, the errors and sins that are hidden by anyone who sees his belly split and his intestines appear are heard.
To see intestines in a dream is referred to as a family, community or nation. In his dream, the intestine eats and benefits from the community. According to a rumor, and a great civil service enters. According to Jabir al-Magribi: Seeing the intestines coming out of his belly is interpreted in six ways: Rizk, work, forbidden goods, asking for help, bad word, child. According to a rumor of repentance and repentance of sin. According to another rumor: In the dream of the intestine to go out from the abdomen, divorce or family disease points to the wife. Intestines are goods. So the person who eats his bowel eats his own maline. Someone who sees someone else eating in the belly, someone else's property. If he sees that his intestines or what is in his belly are revealed, the finances hidden by him will reveal to him or his family's prominent or self-extracting. If one sees that the intestines and other things in his belly come out and put them there or not after washing his belly, he points out that no one will die to win the consent of Allah (CC). If a person who has a daughter or a testator sees that something comes out of his belly in the dream, he points out that he makes an effort to marry that girl. Some tabirciler, what comes out of your abdomen, signifies to reveal the secret, they said. Intestines are hidden goods. If a man eats a gut in a dream, if he is the guardian of an orphan's property or a man's agent, he will eat from their property.