The unbelieving that no one is a Muslim, that no single is married, that the sinner repents; it reminds us to handle difficult and difficult things, to get rid of sorrow and grief and to hear interesting news.
To see a bookstore in a dream is expressed with relief. Seeing that he entered a bookstore in his dream and talked to the bookstore, he escapes the boredom. He wanted to see some things he didn't know, but he wanted to see; to see some books from the bookstore to talk to him or her, to learn about science, or to go to an academy or an expert with the desire to be enlightened about an art. According to another rumor: to see the bookstore in the dream, to get rid of sorrow and grief, to get things done and strange news mutital and foundations, to marry single people. it is a sign that a sinner should repent and the infidel is a Muslim.