See; Bird.
The unknown and unrecognized bird in the dream Azrael Aleyhisselama; advice and advice, provision, unrecognized bird, sick to take away something from the house of the patient's death, the great bird to the rich, the collection, the scholar, the merchant, the president and manager, predatory bird pests on the ground, domesticated wild bird and other meat-eaten birds sustenance and benefit , Beautiful bird beautiful and pleasing news, ugly bird bad and sad news, Water birds riyasiyah, special duty, sea and land journey, the bird to fall on the people to come guests, Bird's head, shoulders and other members of the person's deeds; white bird good and clean work, pied and gray bird mixed work, black bird bad work, the wife of the man put on the bird's wing to break the child will be born long-lived, the bird to fly away the child's short-lived, beautiful sound birds sound artists, normal bird voice cry, Bird clusters reign, gold and silver, over the head of birds flying to the head of the administration, a bird coming down from the sky to the glad news or glad tidings, the bird's beak widespread fame, bird wing trowel, precious things, authority and position, dress, sword, knife and bayonet, on the bird's filthy dress, vulture and other large birds on a person's filth of melike and statesmen fall, the bird's trap is found, the hope of the realization of the thing, the capture of the fugitive, the bird, offspring to feed bad mouth, and Adultery, Birdhouse, People. The dream of a bird is a symbol of happiness and fertility.
A wounded bird heralds the future of troubled days. The dream of a bird is a symbol of happiness and fertility. A wounded bird heralds the future of troubled days. Birds flying in the air are the symbols of happiness and fertility. An injured bird means you're going to have trouble. It is news. He points out that one will experience joy with good news. It is the symbol of happiness and fertility. A wounded bird heralds troubled days.