Revealing secrets; Disease; sustenance or to benefit from the men next to him, the brewer teacher or master, to see the brewer for the righteous one, the temptation for no one, to the people's footsteps of the beer house, and to the people of the pub, to enter there to drink beer is forbidden processing.
Seeing that you drink beer in a dream is a sign that you will be engaged and you will soon get married.
Seeing you drink is a sign that you will be disappointed. If others smoke, it means you have some hidden enemies.
It's a sign that you'll be disappointed to have a beer at the bar. If others smoke, it means you have hidden enemies.
Sudden discomfort, disease means.
Drinking beer in a dream is not good. In his dream, to see that he drinks beer or a drink in a drinking place is a sign that the world is on its way and is a possibility to correct its movements. Repentance to see the beer pouring glass, to see that filled sin; Passing in front of a tavern to see if you want to enter, but did not enter and away from there, the sign is on the right track.
Seeing you drink is a sign that you will be disappointed. If others smoke, it means you have some hidden enemies.
Seeing you drink is a sign that you will be disappointed. If others smoke, it means you have some hidden enemies.