Green almond (Çağla almond) seen during the season, clean earnings, almond meal sanhate and trowel, dry almond chat, almond food to obtain goods, to collect or receive almond tree almonds to obtain goods from someone due to a case, Almond tree is generous to the household, Someone stingy against people, Sweet almonds believe in the beauty, bitter almonds to the right words, Almond leaves to eat the state door signifies to benefit.
Anyone who sees almonds in the dream gets abundance. Almond bitter indicates jealousy because of the fortune.
According to Cabir'ül-Magribî: seeing almonds in the dream is goods and blessings. If shelled mesakkate, the interior is interpreted as ease and trowel, according to Ibn-i Sirin, dream to see almonds goods, health and comfort. Sweet almond halal trowel, bitter almond haram trowel signifies. She wears a new dress that sees almond peel on it. According to another rumor: to see almonds in the dream, the end of the disease or the task of the person indicates the removal. Almond is green and if it is seen during the season, it will be good. Lots of sweet almonds and multiplicity indicate halal trowel. Anyone who has eaten almonds in a dream obtains goods due to hostility. Anyone who saw an almond tree in the dream, sue and obtain goods from a skimpy person. The expression of the almond tree is a person who is miserly and generous about his own children. The sweetness of the almond points to the halavet of faith and the angle to the right word. Almond eater in the dream of having a body with a trowel is healthy. The almond tree is a stranger. In the dream, no one gets dresses on him. Some tabirciler, dried almonds, ser and point to sorrow, they said.
Seeing almonds in a dream means that the disease will pass completely, and in some according to a great disaster, you will come across thieves, eating almonds, is a sign of happiness and fertility.
It implies that your thoughts are progressing as clear as not being suddenly or rebirth at the moment your wishes will occur.