Hz.ibrahim (AS) to see no, blessings, worship, kemal, risk, catering, care of buildings, righteous generation, warrant knowledge ma'ruf, nehyi ani'l munkar, knowledge, guidance, obedience to God for the family and to emigrate from relatives. Hz. Ibrahim (AS) to see, indicates a compassionate father. Sometimes to see Him, to fall out of compulsion and violence, to get rid of people between the Islaha, or a job that he hopes to attract attention for no. Some times Hz. Seeing ibrahim (AS) signifies that the dream owner's business complies with Islamic law and preserves the life and distances from his bad friend. Sometimes seeing Him refers to love and affection for Allah. Hz. ibrahim (AS), if one sees the dream of one of the diminished if he sees the disease and uncomfortable to God, he gives him pleasure and resolves his complaint. Hz. Seeing ibrahim is a sign of pilgrimage. In the dream of the woman who saw him because of her husband makes him unlucky. Or some of the woman's sons are violent and saved from her. Sometimes, if a dreamer has a couple of siblings, one of them will be mistaken for the dreamer. In the dream he is Abraham (AS) or a friend of Him who sees that he is intrusive by his enemies, but it is saved. Ibrahim (AS) 's one who wins the enemy, a believer is married with a lady. Himself, Hz. Ibrahim (AS) 's called and I'm going to Him to see the degree of anyone is high. But if he sees whether he complies with Him or threatens and intimidates him, or sees Him in a dire state, he does not go on a pilgrimage or leaves the prayer or becomes a hypocrite. Hz. ibrahim rebellious who sees would be repentant. The person who leaves the prayer starts the prayer again. Hz. If Abraham (AS) entered the image or wearing his clothes, he will see trouble. Too many times to see Him, sadness and grief go, to come to good, to live in abundance in the world and indicates guidance. Some tabirciler, Hz. Ibrahim (AS) to see, to rebel the father, they said.