To see a fisherman in a dream indicates that the dream owner is upset and indebted to people in his..
DetailA respectable job and a famous management; To the starboard scholar, the leader, the hero, the vali..
DetailYour dream (true) to see that you are a teacher, religion against the last days of interest in more..
DetailSeeing this flower signifies bad and unpleasant things, making a bad breakthrough for people. With..
DetailIn the dream account can be interpreted in many different ways. It is positive. In his dream, he i..
DetailTo hear the noise of a number of people asleep, but not to understand what they are saying is that ..
DetailSeeing the left and right of the dream in the gazindigni, (especially if this look in prayer) is fo..
DetailSeeing sugar beets in a dream, bad-natured, but not lying, and a lot of people who stuck his nose i..
DetailIt means that anyone who sees the celestial object in his dream will suddenly change his life. ..
DetailAccording to Kirmanî; the person who reads this sura in his dream and listens to it while he is rea..
DetailSee for things laid down; Exhibition, Mattress, Flooring. In the dream, the exhibition is consider..
DetailShopping from a peddler is not very well interpreted. Because the dream owner will be deceived or n..
DetailIt signifies the unification of the separate and the reunion of the distant. (See also; Farewell.) ..
DetailTo meet or meet a nobleman in a dream is a sign that he will be superior to his enemies and that he..